Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Our "little" January snowfall

I am so disappointed in myself for actually believing the weather man this time...usually I am a skeptic. However, I don't know why but I truly thought that we would get a good snow this time. With the temps being so low, I just knew it was going to happen. When I woke up on Thursday morning prepared to have to call in to work or go in late...I was shocked to see nothing, not even a snowflake falling from the sky! We had a few showers that came through that gave us a half of an inch and it makes me so sad because we have had more snow in past years but Connor wasn't excited about being in it. This year, Connor was really excited about the thought of playing in the snow and we haven't been as lucky. Of course when I got home on Thursday afternoon, Connor was very eager to make a snowman and throw some snowballs...SO we got out there and did the best we could with what we had. I will have to say that I am so over this cold weather and don't much care for the white stuff, but I was a good Mommy and took Connor not once but twice to play in it! :)

Connor thought that the driveway needed to be cleared for Daddy before he got home!
...and of course we had to mow!
We were standing around talking and Connor literally plopped down like a sack of potatoes to make a snow angel. It was so funny!
Secretly making snowballs to pelt Mommy with!

Watch out Mommy!!!
Connor insisted that he ride his tractor in second gear on the slick driveway. He didn't get very far...Daddy tackling Connor

Connor did better than I expected riding his bike in the snow. Poor guy...he has a new bike and tractor and it is too cold to play with both.


Nikki said...

Your snow looks very similar to ours:( I agree those weathermen get on my nerves! I bet Brad loves the picture of the snow angel!

GrannieT said...

Wow, the snow suit still fits! Remember his great uncle Benny bought it for Brad when he was a tiny little guy! Love the snow angels!

Mr. and Mrs. Reckard said...

I love that Connor can wear Brad's snow suit!!! I did not know Benny bought it - that's precious. Brad looks like a turtle stuck on his back, ha!