Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Last Group Run, Tendinitis, and Thursday!

Me, Jamie, and Rebecca (we missed you Kim, Beth and Alyssa)

One week from today I will have completed my first official 1/2 marathon! I cant believe that it is almost here. I mean, I can but I cant if you know what I mean. My body definitely can and it seems to be breaking down from the training that I have been doing since January. I simply dont know how people train for the full marathon! I have decided that there are some things that are mental and you can push through and make it, and then there are some things that have their limits. I have decided that my body is just not made for this running. Running 3-5 miles...Ok, but not 10 or more. I am sure it is pretty common but I have been battling tendinitis for 3 months and I am tired of having to battle through the pain. On our down weeks when we only run 5-6 mile runs my legs seem to feel better and start to heal but the minute I have to step it up to do another long run on the weekend I am back to square one. I have a knot on my shin and it has been helping me to roll it out on a foam roller. I have tried not to have a negative attitude the past few weeks but it is getting harder as I have been busy with life in general and the time and energy is few and far between. I have thoroughly enjoyed running with the group of girls and making some great friends. Through it all I have learned a lot about each of them...sometimes too much! Ha! Another discouraging part is that I have not lost much weight which is what sparked the running in the first place. Strength training definitely works better for me so as soon as this is over I am going to try to implement that into my daily exercise. I plan on continuing the running, just not at this level. A 5K would be a good run for me!

This Saturday was our last group run with Fleet Feet! It was kind of sad because even though I dont know many people outside of my immediate group, there have been those that you tend to run with because you are on the same pace and you see from week to week. Everyone has been so great to encourage and uplift you from one week to the next. If anyone like me who wants to do something like this and wasnt a runner before, I totally encourage you to do some sort of organized training with a group like this. There are so many in the Nashville area, so I am sure there are in other places as well. Everyone brought a breakfast item to share after the run and we got our goody bags with our shirt that we are to wear on race day. It was a great run this morning and the weather was perfect! I only wish that the other three girls in our group could have been there. One is out of the country (vacation), one is resting her knee until race day, and the other got called into work at the last minute.
Thursday there are so many things going on for me and others....Please pray for...
1) My neighbor who found out she has breast cancer. It is a large lump the size of a golf ball and she tested positive for the genetic disposition that gives her a 75% chance that it will come back. Her mother died of ovarian cancer so it is in her genes. She is choosing to have a full mastectomy (spelling?) in both breasts and a hysterectomy (again spelling?) on Thursday and this will be followed up with chemo later on. She is a strong Christian and has total peace about it. However her husband...not so much. Please pray for them and their two daughters who Connor adore dearly!
2) My best friend Darby who is having an induction on Thursday for her first child! That is if Brock doesnt make his grand arrival before then!
3) My cousin Ronnie who is leaving on Thursday for San Diego to start his training to become a member of the US Border Patrol!
4) Lastly for get a good nights rest and a good meal maxed out with CARBS! Woohoo! I actually get advised to eat as many carbs as I want. I never knew that two nights before is the most important one before race day for eating and resting! Mainly because they know you wont sleep the night before with all of the nervousness, anxiety, and stress!


Betty said...


I am sooooo proud, and excited for your 1st ever run of your life!!!

My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your loved ones that you have mentioned in this are tuly an amazing mother, wife and friend to take the time to request prayers for others with all that you have going on in your own life!

Love and hugs,

Stan, Darby, Drake and Brock Allen said...

I am so incredibly proud of you!!! I am sorry that you have been dealing with so much pain while working toward your goal! I will definitely be praying for you! I appreciate your request for prayers for me...definitely will need them! :-) Can't wait to hear all about the marathon!!! Love you!

GrannieT said...

Tara, Pops and I are very, very proud of you. You are a great strength in our family and we are all very lucky to have you!

Ashley said...

You are going to feel so proud when you cross that finish line, as you should. I can't wait to hear all about it!

LeeAnn said...

Today was the big day! Was thinking about you after I walked for 1 hour and was tired. =) I'm sure you did great!