Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Friday, April 3, 2009


With everything that is going on in these perilous times, this is what has been going through my mind lately...

I am so thankful for my health, and health of my family. So many others are not as fortunate.
As I have been praying for baby Stellan, a neighbor with breast cancer, and so many others in need at church and around me this has really woken me up and helped me not to take these things for granted.

Even though I might complain about the aches and pains from time to time, I am thankful to have two legs to carry me to the finish line. Please pray for all of the girls in my running group. It seems that we are falling apart and we know too well that it is the devils tactics to discourage us from doing something that is very important to us. It is very discouraging when we have been training since January and to get so close to the race and things start going downhill. I am the only one of two in our group who has no ailments at the current time. Rebecca is having problems with her Achilles, Alyssa found out this week that she has to have her gall bladder removed next week, Kim hurt her knee a few weeks back on our run and now has hurt her back, Misty sprained her ankle stretching and it is still swollen a week later, Jamie has pink eye, a sinus infection for two months, issues with a root canal and another one scheduled for the week of the race. This leaves Beth and I who need to strap on cushions and stay inside to avoid joining the rest of them. This week I have been running alone, thus meaning I have not run very many miles. I missed last weeks long run because I was out of town and this weekend is a short run. Next week will be very challenging to say the least. Race is in less than a month!

Even though I complain about rush hour, early mornings, and how hectic it is to get out the door, I am thankful for a job to go to and that my family is provided for. Everyone knows someone that is struggling right now and I feel so fortunate to still receive a paycheck each week.

I am thankful for a roof over my head and means of transportation to any place of my choosing! Even though I choose not to watch Oprah anymore (for my own reasons) I couldnt help but see the show that showed people sleeping in tent cities. These people were sitting behind their computers a year ago thinking that there is no way that could happen to them. Just goes to show that you never know what the future might hold.

Although I dont agree with the policies of the newest administration, I am thankful to have someone to serve as my president and represent this place that we live, which is the greatest country in the world! Dont take for granted all of the freedoms that you have. Be thankful that you can go to the church of your choice, wear a cute outfit, work or be a stay at home Mom, have a voice in politics...the list goes on and on. To be a woman and born in the United States is truly a blessing.

I know there are many more things that I thank God for every day, but these are the ones that have been weighing on my heart the most. Please take a moment to be thankful!


GrannieT said...

We are all so very blessed but unfortunately it is so easy to take everything for granted. I remind myself very often how far we have come. Staying humble and grounded is very important. The greatest blessing in my life is my family. Pray for my brother Howard who continues to have kidney problems and who now has a "spot" detected on his kidney. We will learn more on Monday- Love to everyone!

Kristy said...

I couldn't agree with you more. It may not sound like it sometimes, but I really try to see my glass is half full. I thank God for my blessings every night as I know you do to.

Thanks for the reminder becuase sometimes the big picture gets clouded by all of the things that don't really matter.


Kandi said...

Wonderful post Tara! We have so much to be thankful for in these times and Satan uses every little thing he can to pull us down. I too have been struggling lately with many things and it reminds to lay it all down at the foot of the cross. Why I hold onto things that aren't necessary or important in this life, I don't know. Keep on keeping on girl. The race is almost here and I will be praying that you and the other girls cross that finish line. You can do it with God's help. Phillipians 4:13, one of my favorite verses.

Casey said...

Great post Tara! We all need to be reminded of how blessed we are, It is so easy to lose sight of what really matters! That stinks about all the girls in your race team...just think, only a month to go! I know you can do it!