Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No turning back now!

So I did it! I registered for the Country Music 1/2 marathon last weekend! There was a coupon out there, so I thought it would be best to take advantage and use it before the expiration. WOW, I totally got sticker shock when I looked online and saw that to enter the race it was $100! With a $10 coupon and the added fees at the end it came up being $96! So, like I said there is no turning back now!

The training is going well. We are running 4 1/2 miles two days a week, usually a day of cross training and then on Saturday we do the long run with the Fleet Feet crew. Every weekend it increases a mile. Last Saturday we ran 7 miles and it was very challenging to say the least. Keep in mind that running 4 miles is more than I have ever done, so when they told me 7 I thought "this should be interesting". This week we are running a different course than we have the past two times and they said it would be the first challenging run. "Hello", I think doing 8 miles in itself is challenging enough but now they have to throw in the hills! The trainer even sent out a separate email trying to calm peoples nerves about the hilly course we would be running. Needless to say I need your prayers to get me through this thing! The weather has also been so cold and that is a new one for me as well. I never would have thought that I would be running outside in 20 degree weather. However, as long as you have the right clothes after the first 10 minutes your body heats up and you dont even think about it. Tomorrow morning at 5 it is supposed to feel like single digits, SO we are running inside and since I love my treadmill at home so much better than those at the rec, I will be doing my run on my own. Please pray for me to do this on my own. It is so much easier with other people keeping you accountable!

I wasnt going to post about this because I didnt think anyone would care, but I have had a couple of you ask me about updates and thank you to you guys! You are so sweet to think of me.

I will be in this picture in April 2009! I am excited about this run. It is unlike most marathons because there are bands playing and cheering you on the whole way through. After all we are called the "Music City"! After reading some message boards online I heard most marathon runners say it was their favorite. Since it is my first I wont have anything to compare it to, but I am sure it will be very exciting and so worth it in the end!


Betty said...

I am soooo EXCITED for you! It IS an awesome sight and to be IN IT is almost nostalgic. You really never get over the rush that comes over you no matter how many times you do it! You go girl...and you so can do it on your own in the morning...I know you can!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I am so excited for you. If you can do 7 miles you can do 8 and if you can do 8 miles then you can do 13.1!!!I think changing up your run helps so much. A new route means new scenery to look at and before you know it you'll be done. Let me know if you want a good running mix for your ipod. It's essential to have good motivating music in case you hit a wall. But the absolute best is training with a group. You don't think about it but talking while your running definetly ups the aerobic factor and will help you in the long runs. Thanks for keeping us updated on the progress. I think of you every morning while I am out running :)

Ashley said...

That's so awesome Tara and keep us posted. I ran a 1/2 in 2006 and I was the same way you are, I had never run before in my life. It was hard but finishing that race was the best feeling. If I ever do one again it would be the Music City, it sounds fun! Keep up the good work!

Nikki said...

I am feeling great, just a little tired...Definitely not up for a 1/2 marathon or anything like that! I am soooo impressed, I hope this might just inspire me, I will really be needing some inspiration in another 6 months or so. Good luck, keep it up!!

The Davis Family said...

I've heard such good things about the MC marathon too. I've only ran in a 5K, but it felt really good to finish. I can't imagine how accomplished you will feel after this one. Good luck with the training, you'll do great!

Casey said...

Good for you Tara!! That is so awesome! I'm with your friend Courtney, once you hit 8, you can definitely do 13! Continue to keep us updated on your progress!

Rachel@AllergenFreePlease said...

That's so awesome Tara...makes me want to go outside and run. I make Erik push the double jogging stroller though :)