Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Being 2...

is so much FUN! In case you need a reminder on what it is like to be 2 year old little boy, here you go...
We are smart, very smart. We 2 year olds repeat everything that we hear. We also have a very good memory and remember that when we see golden arches that there are french fries, and that when we go to Publix or Lowes that there are "cars" (car grocery carts), and that we need to "play" in the play area as soon as we arrive at the mall. We know how to get what we want by squinting those eyes with a sweet smile and climbing up in Mommy's lap just to say "I love you". We also know the little corner by the couch very well, especially when we do something that Mommy says isnt nice. We like to play in the potty and tell Mom and Dad that we need to go, when really we just want to flush the toilet. We also like to give our doggies 2-3 bones at least 3 times a day. We like messes, destruction, and dont forget that everything is MINE, MINE, MINE!

This pretty much sums up what my son is thinking most of the time, at least I think so. We are still really enjoying this age and everything that it brings. I took Connor to the doctor last week (I was a little late since he turned 2 almost a month ago). He loves the waiting area, but as soon as he approaches the scale in the hallway he freezes and says, "I dont like it." This is pretty much the only thing that he says while he is there. He weighs 25 pounds (20th percentile), his length is 35 inches (70th percentile), and his head- 51.2 cm (95th percentile). We talked about his picky eating which was my main concern and they basically said it was very 2-ish. Not a big deal. I have been thinking for a while that Connors vocabulary was pretty good for his age and she confirmed that by saying that he is talking like a 3 year old. She was able to understand everything that he said, which is unusual for a stranger to understand a 2 year old. I think we might be in trouble someday with our little talker. He got one shot and he was very glad to hear that it was his last until he is 5! I cant believe that we dont have to go back for another well visit for a whole year. Woo hoo!

Connor's best friend is definitely Cooper and of course dont forget Mickey! He is really into building blocks, working with his tools, playing in the choo choo train tent, and golf. Funny story- Brad has been watching the golf channel lately and there is a show that comes on that has celebrities playing golf and people giving lessons, well Connor loves it. I have noticed him watching it a few times and then yesterday he was sitting there watching his Mickey show and out of nowhere he looked at me and said, "I wanna watch golf ball." I immediately knew he was talking about that golf show, so I had to call Brad at to find out what channel it was on. He mimics them when they swing and makes a swoosh sound every time. Brad is so excited about the spring and taking him out on the course. He keeps reminding me that there is footage of Tiger playing when he was 3, so I guess he thinks Connor is going to be the next Tiger Woods. I dont know about that, but I do know that Connor really likes the game and it hasnt been because we have pushed him or enticed him to play. He has shown a real interest all on his own so I guess you have to wonder. Brad really just wants to retire and become his caddy! Ha! Sorry this has been such a long post, I just wanted to catch you all up on what is going on in the life of this 2 year old. Here are some videos of Connor playing with Cooper and being silly with Daddy!


Mr. and Mrs. Reckard said...

Wow, what a rotten little boy. I cannot wait to see you all. I miss him so bad!

Betty said...

Love that boy!!!

This too(2 year-old stage) shall pass and he will bring even more "joy and pain" each year he grows older. All of it is worth every last tear, blood-shed from boo-boos, laughter and love filled moment!!!Just look at me...3 kids later...maybe not?...hee hee!

Stan, Darby, Drake and Brock Allen said...

I cannot believe how old Connor is! I can't wait to see you all SOON!