Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Only in TN!

...could we go from this... this. In just one week.

We got some pretty snow last weekend but as you can see from the picture this is as close as we got to it. Since Connor had the flu we stayed indoors and watched everyone else play in it. Connor only asked me twice to go outside and since I know too well that he isnt that crazy about being bundled up and touching the snow, we decided to just look out the window. I felt really bad but he has been able to play in a few snow falls this year so that made me feel better. Connor finally got over the flu on Monday and I went back to work on Tuesday. Praise the Lord that Brad and I didnt get it! My cuticles are definitely paying for all of that hand washing though. A manicure is calling my name!

I have not been a good blogger lately but I told myself that this year I wasnt going to consume my life with keeping up with the blog like I did last year. Dont get me wrong- I love it! But as most of you know it takes a lot of time especially uploading pictures and when you have to deal with this piece of crap computer of mine. Brad says we are getting a Mac as soon as this one bites the dust. I have been on a mission to do some things around the house (window treatments, fixing up Connors big boy room, etc), plus with the running and all of the time it is taking, my house is in dire need of cleaning all the time. I am not as on top of it as I used to be, mostly because I am just exhausted at night from the early mornings. It is pretty sad because Connor will just drag everything out and I am too tired to pick it up so it stays in the floor till the next night. This morning the heat/AC tech came out because we were having some issues with out upstairs unit and I was so embarrassed when I realized how messy my house was. A year ago I never would have let it get to this point, but I have decided that taking care of my body must be a priority and the house can wait until I get to it. I am having a hard time doing this blog post right now because of everything that I need to be doing at this very moment. Washing clothes, clean floors in the entire house, bathrooms, wash dishes, clean clutter...the list goes on and on! I know I am preaching to the choir on this one so that makes me feel a little better. Ha! As soon as I get time to clean and take pictures I will show you all what I have been working on and what is taking all of my time. The running is still going well. I have been struggling with some leg soreness and pain, but I just ice, ice, ice and it seems to help. Also with the help of Aleve, it helps take the edge off. Ha! I was joking with the girls this morning about being an Aleve addict! I just emptied a bottle in a short time and Brad was giving me a hard time about it. I hope you cant OD on them because I am taking 3 at a time. We are up to 10 miles and have another 10 mile run this weekend. Last week was a recovery week and we only ran 5 1/2 which is funny because those are my short runs now. It seems like a breeze. Ha! Well, not really but just much easier than those 10's.
Here are some pictures of our day at the playground and spending time in this early spring weather! Yippee!


Betty said...

Well...where do I start? Just Kidding, but I am very sorry to have to do this...I am siding with Brad on the Aleve. I think the directions say to only take 2 the first hour and only 1 there after.
I am only saying all this out of love and that "motherly" instinct/stickler on just this one particular area. The mess that is being left to fend for itself is just a part of a runner's life. You will quickly find balance with it all eventually:))) I am happy you are keeping running in your life...that is exciting and BTW you look fabulous. Love the photos and glad Connor is back with his buddies!!!

The Clifton Family said...

I totally agree with your title. Only in TN can we change temps that drastically that quickly... but as long as it changes to 60's or 70's (like today), then I am not complaining! =c)

Rachel@AllergenFreePlease said...

Lovin' the nice weather! That is so awesome that you are doing well with your runs. I am looking forward to exercising again :)

Maranda said...

Tara, I absolutely know what you mean about having to take one more in the mornings. My back has been absolutely killing me lately!! It may be due to the size of our little boys, they are definitely getting to be a little harder to pick up! I have also been the same way with Brody's toys. Last year, I wouldn't even let his toy room be messed up before I went to sleep, now, I am glad if it is contained to that room! I am not going to say that we are getting old but maybe that could be it too!
BTW... I love that close up picture of connor on this post. It looks like he is having an absolute ball!

Kandi said...

Love the pics! I have been running more lately and feel the pain now too. Not enough to stop me though. I am determined now to run a 5K asap