Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We have entered the destructive phase!

I dont guess this is anything new to all you mothers of boys out there, but boys can be quite destructive! Connor continues to crack us up with his antics and is always up to something new. He loves to play with his trucks and crash them into one another and make a crashing noise. The other night he was standing on top of his car and hitting the chair with his "plastic" baseball bat over and over again and very hard! Last week, Brad was at one of his night meetings for work and I walked out of the living room with the laptop opened on the couch and when I returned Connor was working diligently plucking all of the keys off! He made it look way too easy. I freaked out and tried frantically to put them back on before Brad got home. (A little side note: if any of you ever have this problem just press firmly down and they will pop back into place.) I am just waiting for the days that I will have to patch holes in the walls, etc. I know it is coming because I know how many times Brad has had to do this in his high school and college days. Ha! Boys, boys!
On another note, I know I say it ALL the time but this is the best age! I love all of the funny things that C is doing and saying. His talking skills have improved significantly in just the past two months. He tells me that he wants to watch "Pipee", "Manny" (Handy Manny), and "Pooh" all the time. I think we are going to have to work on his time away from the TV - ha! He will sit so contently in front of the TV and watch the entire show, something he would never do before. He calls his paci his "Pappies" and it is so dang cute that I dont want to get rid of it just yet. LOL We are supposed to be weaning him from it by the time he turns two, so I guess I only have a few more months... Uh Oh. I dont think this will be an easy task, but I am sure it is possible. Sometimes he will go upstairs and get his blankie or tell me he wants it and say "night night". Then I know he is ready for bed. What can I say, the boy likes his sleep! He is still taking one 3-4 hour nap a day! I know it is unbelievable, but I am loving it while it lasts. Tonight he came to me and said, "Potty". I took him into the bathroom and sat him down on his potty and the music started playing! He went pee pee and was so proud of himself. To update you on the potty training, it was short lived. He did great for about a week and then he didnt want to do it anymore. I havent pushed since I know it is still early, especially for a boy. He tries to put his shoes and socks on when he is ready to go outside, it is so adorable. He favorite place at night is beside us on the couch. He snuggles up against us and we read book after book. He is flying up and down the stairs now. He slides down on his belly pretty quickly, it is pretty impressive. He has now learned how to open doors. Today he was outside with Brad on the deck. I was in the kitchen and heard the door open. I looked and low and behold it was Connor standing there like he had done it a million times before. Ms. Betty, I guess I will have to start locking my doors now too. Ha! I know there is much much more, but this is off the top of my head. I know there will be many more stories to tell in the future!


Kandi said...

I couldn't agree more that boys are destructive. It looks like a tornado has come through my house once Brock is finished. He, like Connor, is into banging with a bat and just recently we have strated family wrestling, which may not have been such a good idea, since he was wrestling with another boy at church yesterday. Today, he colored on the wall downstairs. Yep, still got to clean that one up, hopefully before my husband goes downstairs. If he only knew what went on during the days, HA!!

Stan, Darby, Drake and Brock Allen said...

I am sure I will need guidance from you if there is a boy in my future! He is just so is so hard to imagine him destructive!

Jeremy and Lacy said...

YAY!! I love posts like this! Then I know what all we have to look forward to! I love hearing all the things that he is doing. He is getting so big! I love that we have two sleepers on our hands. Kiley is still sleeping right now. I have been up to make sure she is still breathing 4 times b/c she is usually up at 8 at the latest! :) I am taking full advantage of it though. I already have most of my to do list done already! :) Miss you all!