Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

15 months already!

Tonight is a quiet night at our house, Brad is flying to Indiana as we speak and Connor is upstairs asleep. Even though it is kind of lonely, it is nice to have the quiet for a little while. I remember my Mom saying over and over growing up, at the end of the night that she hadnt sat down all day. Well, I have been thinking this more and more these days. It seems that there is always something to be done and I never have a chance to just sit down and enjoy doing something that I well...enjoy. Dont get me wrong, I very much enjoy being with Connor, but I am talking about something that I do for me. When you become a Mom it seems like most of what you spend your day doing is for others, mostly your children and husband. That is what it means to mother. However, it is nice to sometimes step out of that role just for a moment and have some time to yourself. I worked today and spent most of the night packing some things so that I can go to my parents house tomorrow and spend the night after work. Connor's great Grandma (Gigi) is visiting from NY and we are going to spend the day with her on Friday and have a dinner that night at my brothers house. I have a busy day planned at work tomorrow and baked some cookies and brownies to take, plus washed dishes and folded clothes... Aaagghh, did I mention it is good to sit down. Ha!

Ok, this is really what I wanted to update you all on- Connor! He went for his 15 month checkup yesterday. It went very well and Connor is right on target with all of the developmental things for his age. I wont lie, I was very nervous about this visit. Mostly because of the vaccinations that he was supposed to receive this time. I have done a lot of research on the MMR and was a little hesitant about letting Connor get it. I am totally for vaccinations and think they are very important, but with all of the talk about the link between the MMR vaccine and autism I thought why take the risk. Then a few weeks before the appointment there was a new study that came out and after talking to a couple of people in the medical profession it put my mind at ease. Connor did get all of his shots but it was awful to watch, that is for sure. I could have done without the warnings from the doctor and others that the shots were more painful than most. I would rather not have known. Connor did great though, he was happy for the rest of the day (after the shots!). He has decided that he does not like the doctor now. He screamed when she tried to check his ears and by the end of the appointment I had to hold him and he wouldnt even look at her! It was so funny! He still has a yucky nose and she confirmed that he did have a sinus infection. He is on medicine now to get rid of it, hopefully soon! His weight is still a little lower than what it should be, but it is hard to gain weight when you cant eat any bread, are allergic to most things, and are always on the move! He is 21 lbs 8 oz (15th percentile), and 31 1/4 " tall (50th percentile), and 49 1/4 cm for head (95th percentile!!!) What a brain he has!

I have included some pictures of Connors haircut this weekend. I cant believe that Connor is only 15 months old and this is his 3rd haircut already! Give him a sucker and he tolerates is well. I know I am a little biased, but isnt he just the cutest with his little blue mouth?!
I know I say this all the time, but Connor is at the most fun stage so far! He is talking all the time, learning so much, and is getting quite the personality! He is going to be a little ham for sure! He loves to dance, especially while watching American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. He is still a good sleeper and napper and I am so thankful! He LOVES his Daddy and misses him when he goes away. Kisses are a favorite of his, as well as chasing Cooper and playing and saying "ball". I know that things are only going to get more fun with every month that goes by but I am trying to enjoy him while he is still little, yet getting more independent by the day!


Anonymous said...

the pictures are great!!! i wanted to mention an article i read in "O" magazine...yes I admit I get it. it was about children from the same sperm donor. Of about a dozen kids by different women but from the same donor...three of them have autism. interesting huh? it really made me think that it could be genetics. what was the article you read?

i understand all about having some me time! you deserve it! love you!

Ashley said...

I agree, he is the cutest!

Anonymous said...

He is so-o-o cute!!! He looks so grown-up!

Nikki said...

It is so fun to read all about what Connor is doing. I know we will be there soon. I have the same worries about the shots. I try to tell myself that what they are vaccinating against would probably be as bad or worse than any side effects from the shots themselves. I too understand about the "me" time. Seems it is a thing of the past for now!

Jeremy and Lacy said...

I love the pictures. He is sooo cute...I love his little blue mouh too! Kiley might just pass him in the weight department..she weighed in at a whopping 19lbs3oz this week! HA! I too understand about needing some time for you. I have learned not to feel guilty taking it, it makes you a better Mommy the rest of the time. Miss yall!

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute!!! I am so glad to hear that all the shots went well! I hope you all enjoyed your time with your Grandma...please tell her I said hello! Enjoy her visit! Love yall!

Kandi said...

Connor is a doll!! Beautiful head of hair too. Keira is going on 3 and finally has enough hair to pull back in one ponytail. 15 months is a fun stage indeed and it only gets better. We all need mommy time, it helps re-focus and re-energize us, or so I think.