Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow day!

What is this stuff?
I think he looks like Randy from The Christmas Story movie, in this picture!

This is the only picture I could get of the two of them together. Cooper was too busy running around playing to sit still for a picture.
Well, the snow is almost all gone now, Connor is napping and it is quiet! Aaaagghhh... I wish I could say that we have enjoyed the snow by laying around but we have actually been quite busy. We finished painting the halls and stairway yesterday and we have now started on the downstairs bathroom. We started with the hardest part of the house to paint and decided we would paint something easy now. We should finish it tomorrow and I will feel a great sense of accomplishment! Yaaahhh! We still have a long, long way to go but it is progress nonetheless.

Back to the snow! It started coming down last night, and with the way they were talking on the news we thought we had better head out to get some more paint and grab some grub for fear of being snowed in for a week! As we were sitting down to eat, we looked out the windows and it was so beautiful! It was coming down so hard that I am not sure you could have seen if you were driving in it. Brad referred to it as a "white out". I had never heard this term before, but he said that is what they used to call it in Rockwood when it snowed and you couldnt see anything in front of you. Since it is a very rural area, there arent many street lights so I guess I could understand this. I proceeded to tell him that he hadnt seen a true "white out" until he had driven in a blizzard somewhere in Ohio headed to Niagara Falls. He just rolls his eyes as he has heard this story more than a dozen times from my family! Short explanation...when I was young we went to visit my Mom's side of the family in NY for Christmas and got stuck in a real blizzard. You know it is bad when the tractor trailers are pulled off of the road. My Dad kept on trucking it to the nearest exit where we spent the night in a McDonald's. I think Brett and I thought it was an adventure! Mom and Dad assure us that it wasnt and we seriously came very close to driving off of the road because Dad couldnt see anything. I am not sure this was very smart, but we survived! Ok, sorry that wasnt very short. (Brad I am sure you are rolling your eyes once again. Ha!) Anyway, after dinner we were planning on going to Home Depot but due to another bad experience at our Cracker Barrell we didnt make it. However we did get a free meal! I guess it was worth it. As we drove home we got to see why Southerners dont like to get out in the snow if they can possibly help it. We just cant seem to figure out how to drive in the stuff! We made it just fine in my 4wd, but there were some trucks and cars that were really struggling. Now seriously if you dont have the adequate transportation why would get out? Oh well, we have to live up to our reputation I guess. We watched it fall more and more when we got home and went to bed dreaming of a white yard to play in by morning. Sure enough when we awoke it was so pretty! Now most of you know I am not a big fan of snow, but I have to say it is so enjoyable to hear all of the kids having such a good time in it. We were excited to take Connor out for his first real snow, however I think he takes after me. He didnt seem to enjoy it much. The only sort of laugh or smile we could get out of him was when Brad and I were throwing snowballs at each other and he thought that was hilarious. We played with Cooper in the backyard, man does he ever LOVE the snow! We had a great time with him, Connor just say there and watched being a party pooper. Ha! By the way- check out the vintage snow suit! It was actually Brads when he was a wee little lad. It was way too big for Connor but we managed to roll up the legs and arms and it worked perfectly! I think it is too sweet. Thanks Grannie, I am sure you didnt think we would be using it so soon!

I am also glad to say that I am feeling much better now. I am still a little congested but nothing major. Connor still has a runny nose and is coughing a little. If he isnt better by this week I will probably take him to the doctor. He has had this for over 3 weeks now. Well that is a summary of our weekend so far. Tomorrow is supposed to be much warmer and I am very excited about that. It is supposed to be in the 60's again this week! Yahoo! Bye for now!


Heather Robinette said...

I am so jealous of your snow day! My boys were excited just to see the light dusting that we got. They even went out and found enough to make a snow ball to throw. I wouldn't enjoy the inconvenience, but I would give anything to have our kids experience something like the Blizzard of '93 to remember when they got older. I love to tell them stories of all of our sledding parties we had on our hill. I'm glad you had so much fun and I'm glad you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a great time. We only got a dusting that went away very soon. I recognized the snow suit. I didn't know how it would hold up. Brad wore it when he was Connor's age and it was way too big but it lasted several years! Connor's great uncle Benny gave it to Brad. How sweet that Connor is wearing it! Love you all! Grannie & Pops

Nikki said...

I am also jealous. I am very ready for spring but I would not have been sad if we had gotten dumped on. Unlike you, I absolutely love the snow and miss it so much. I just don't think it will ever snow here again. The climate has changed or something. Anyway I am glad you guys had such a good time. The pictures are really pretty.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better! It is very exciting to hear that the painting is coming along so well! The snow pictures are so cute!!! It doesn't look like Connor had too much of a challenge standing in it! I need to have a little chat with Connor about the dangers of sledding...good thing you all didn't do any of that before I had the chance to tell him! HA!

Jeremy and Lacy said...

How fun!! I hope that since we are moving a little further North maybe Kiley will get to see snow before she is 30! I love the vintage suit! He does look like The Christmas Story...too cute!