Thatcher's Story

Thatcher's Story
I didn't want this to get lost in my list of posts, so I am creating a place so that everyone can easily access this link. Please read this touching story about baby Thatcher, our friends son who was born with a rare liver disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Jessie has worked closely with Brad for over 4 years and I became friends with her while working at WSA until I left last spring. Thatcher was born a month before Braden and this story really hits home for me. When I look at Braden I think about how incredibly lucky I am. This could just as easily be our him going through this. Jessie will most likely be the living donor for Thatcher and they are in need of our prayers! I promise you will be touched by reading this story. Thanks!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Update on Mr. Connor

I thought I would do a little update on Mr. Connor since we have been so swept up by the holidays and everything else lately. I know I post pictures alot of him but it is rare that I talk about his daily routine and what he has been up to.

I finally got him to the doctor this week for his 12 month appointment. Oops, it was a little late, but I kind of forgot to schedule it in the midst of everything. This one was a little hard for me because he got 4 shots and it was brutal watching him go through this. He actually turned blue after the first one he was crying so hard! Glad that is OVER! Other than that our appointment went well. The doctor said it was time to go and see an allergist and get Connor tested since he still hasnt outgrown it. I will let you know how this goes once we have visited the doctor. She said he could have a skin test, but it usually wasnt accurate until they are about 5. However, she was pleased with the way Connor is growing and progressing. His stats are still pretty much the same as they were at 9 months. 25% for weight, 50% for height, and 95% for head (this was no surprise but it has gone up 5%) I talked to her about discipline and how I am struggling to get Connor to comply. She said that it actually was a good thing that he was testing us so much right now. It means he is getting smart! Brad said she was just saying that to make us feel better. Ha! She said that he was learning how to test his limits by pushing us a little farther every time. Right now Connor it is really hard to know what to do because he is so young and doesnt understand time outs. When I tell him No, he smiles and repeats whatever he was doing again and when I say No again, he hits or sometimes bites. He will then go back and do it again. When I remove him from the situation he wants to hit or throw a temper tantrum by arching the back and throwing himself on the floor, which in return usually hurts his head and he starts wailing! ...and you thought he was a little angel didnt you? Ha! It is amazing how much they try to get away with sometimes.
Connor still isnt walking yet, but he is cruising right along on the furniture and anything else in reach. He is babbling so much right now, it is hilarious to hear some of the things he trys to say. Sometimes it sounds like a foreign language (literally) and when you say, "really?" he will respond by saying the exact same thing again. That is what makes me think that he is really trying to communicate something. His expressions these days are also hilarious and my Mom says she has never seen that many expressions from any baby. His new thing is to scrunch up his nose and say, "Ooouhhoooh!" when he sees something interesting. He has gotten 3 new teeth this week. Two more on top for a total of 4, and one more on the bottom that makes 3. He likes to play with his toys, but mostly wants to be with us or involved with anything we are doing like surfing the internet, etc. I am told this is also a good thing that he would rather be with people rather than toys. His daily routine consists of waking up at 7:30, drinking his bottle, eating breakfast, playtime for 3 hours, then nap time at 10:30, up at 1:30-2:00, lunch, second bottle, then playtime, sometimes a second nap at 4:30, then dinner and more playtime until his bath and bedtime at 9:00. He is sleeping through the night- hallelujah! Praise the Lord for this, I finally feel rested for the first time in a year! I finished weaning Connor this week and I think it is safe to say that it has been harder on me than Connor. I miss that time with him, but I know it is necessary to be able to allow me to start training in Taekwondo again. Connor has done great and I am so thankful for this!
Well, it is time for bed and back to work tomorrow. I hope everyone is having a great New Year thus far! I will have to admit, January and February are not my favorite months. But I am trying to think of it as a fresh start and let that energize me for the winter blahs. Happy New Year!!


Darby said...

I can't believe how much older Connor looks in just a few weeks. I will be praying everything goes well at the allergist! Love yall!

Owings Family said...

If you learn the secret to disciplining your child let me know! I can't imagine how frustrating it will be!